How to Create an Inclusive Culture in Business

How to Create an Inclusive Culture in Business

Teamwork is an essential component to any thriving business. When a team operates within an inclusive culture environment a competitive advantage occurs. When this is accomplished, everyone is working for the greater good of the organization and not just for the business owner.  Culture helps attract and retain key employees, so it is a key element to growth. Creating an inclusive culture doesn’t happen overnight, it happens deliberately and intentionally when the leader decides it’s important. When this is accomplished amazing results can be achieved.

 An Advisors Journey to Freedom

Over the past couple of years, I’ve had the privilege of working with Julia Carlson and the amazing team at Financial Freedom.  Over that time, I’ve witnessed firsthand their dynamic inclusive culture and have seen it develop with mastery. In a recent keynote engagement Julia shared her story of transformation that was highlighted in InvestmentNews.  Her journey to freedom began with a mindset shift from being self-employed to becoming a business owner.  In the article she shares a life altering event that was the pivotal moment to recognize the meaning of success verses fulfillment.

As Julia points out, running a successful business does not have to come at the detriment to personal fulfillment or being a slave to the business. Through recognizing your strengths and learning how to surround yourself with a strong team that compliments you is when the magic happened. This can be challenging at first because it brings different viewpoints, but it also led to a 33% annual growth rate over the past 5 years.  

"I'm in charge, but I'm not in control." Julia Carlson.

She wanted to build a true business, something that would outlast her, so she made some changes to achieve that by investing in personal and professional development.

 Our Journey ~ The Master Class

Through our journey of working together we have collaborated to teach these concepts and principles in our Master Class.  We show financial advisors how to accomplish artful delegation, create a firm structure, and develop a strong culture and team.  We guide you on how to take the business to the next level without having to work harder and longer hours.  Our dual approach of business adviser and financial advisor gives you two unique perspectives on how to strengthen the key areas of the business while sharing the results and tools for implementing them.

To learn more about our Master Class Event see below.

Lead your business to the next level and experience the freedom you desire.